
Selected and Active components

Selecting a component will make it the current component for Edit-related functionality (Cut, Copy, Paste, Move, Rename, Delete etc).

The component which is currently selected has a dark background for its line on the folder tree.

Activating a component will make it the current component on show in the Inputs and Outputs windows. It will also show its Status on the Component Status icon on the ribbon and the Quick Access toolbar.

The component which is currently active has a light dashed outline around the component type icon, and a bold typeface for the component name.

Figure 1: The "Collar tie design" component is selected. The "Bearing strength" component is active.

➙ To select a component:

To select a component click once on the component on the folder tree.

➙ To activate a component:

Select the component on the folder tree and:

  • double-click the component


  • right-click and select Activate

➙ To print a component

Select the component and:

  • right-click and select Print


  • from the ribbon, click on Component > Print Component

➙ To cut or copy a component

Select the component and:

  • right-click and select Cut or Copy



  • from the ribbon, click on Component > Cut or Component > Copy

➙ To paste a component

Select the location on the tree where you want to paste the component and:

  • right-click and select Paste


  • from the ribbon, click on Component > Paste

➙ To move a component

Select the component and drag and drop it in its location on the tree.

➙ To delete a component

Select the component and:

  • hit the Del key on the keyboard


  • right-click and select Delete


  • from the ribbon, click on Component > Delete

➙ To rename a component

Select the component and:

  • hit the F2 key on the keyboard


  • right-click and select Rename


  • from the ribbon, type on the Name input box

➙ To edit the Eurocode factors for a component

Select the component and:

  • right-click and select Component Factors


  • from the ribbon, click on Component > Component Factors

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