Inputs Window

The inputs window is where the main action happens. It is there that you input the data for each design case. The particular inputs depend on each specific case. However there are some functions that are common to all cases.

➙ To input data

Type on an active box. Note that you can change a numerical value up or down using the mouse wheel.

➙ To move between input boxes

You can move between most input boxes by using the standard keyboard shortcuts of Tab to go to the next element and Shift + Tab to go to the previous element.

Note that some types of input (such as the timber type selection box) require you to click on the specific button and will be skipped by the Tab.

➙ To move between tabs

  • Click on the tab you want to move to


  • hit Ctrl + Tab to move to the next tab

➙ To check if you have put the minimum required data

If a piece of data is missing from a particular tab, or if the current data you have input are not satisfactory (e.g. because there is a logical contradiction), a red asterisk will appear next to the tab.

➙ To maximise the Inputs window

  • Click on the arrows on the top-right corner of the Inputs window


  • from the ribbon click on Component > View Inputs

Repeat either action to restore the window to a split screen view.

➙ To look at supplementary information graphics

Some design cases have an information button next to an input.

By clicking on the icon, you will get a graphics pop-up similar to the one from the Graphics window, with an image that will help explain the different types of inputs.

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